Not many people know the truth when it comes to commercial dog food verses homemade canine food. There are many differences and reasons why you need to know what is being served to your pet. Just because something is approved to feed an animal does not mean it is the best for them. Not every dog responds to the same food in the same way. Knowing your dog and what he or she prefers helps. If you are not sure what is in your dog’s food, you need to go look. You may be surprised at what you are actually feeding him.
Fresh Verses Fake
Protein is a major component in your dog’s daily diet. The content and type of protein in commercial pet food verses homemade food is completely different. Commercial canine food offer poor protein sources that are not adequate. Animal by products such as ears, hair, lips, and hooves are not considered quality meat sources. Yet, these end up in our pet food and we are supposed to be alright with it. Homemade dog food offers you the chance to be sure that your dog is getting quality protein sources. You do not need to buy the best meat on the market, but you can buy actual meat. Using standard beef, chicken, or turkey will allow your dog to get the amount of actual protein each day it takes to stay healthy.
Filler Or Fuller
One of the many issues surrounding commercial dog food verses homemade canine food is that commercial foods are full of filler. These low digestible products are made to make our dogs feel full, but do not offer a high source of carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, or minerals. They are pure fiber and filler that make our dogs need to potty more. A lack of easily digestible carbohydrates such as pasta, potatoes, or rice can make dogs lazy. It is the carbohydrate in a dog food that gives the dog the energy he or she needs. Not getting enough proper carbs can also make your dog very sick and require more vet care than usual. Making your own food offers you the chance to give your dog the proper energy he or she needs each day.
The Allergy Factor
Despite the fact that when it comes to commercial dog food verses homemade canine food, homemade food is healthier; your dog is less likely to be allergic to it. Allergies are common in many dog breeds. The most common type of dog allergy is a food allergy. These manifest in many ways and can cost a dog owner a lot of money. Commercial dog foods do not allow you to choose the ingredients that are put in it. Take into consideration the preservatives and additives to make it last months under your counter and it is no wonder why many dogs do not fare well on it, Homemade dog foods allow you to control what your dog eats and keeps allergies to a minimum. There is also no reason to add any chemicals, as fresh is best.